
Welcome to our office! As a general dentist, Dr. Wagner is trained in all dental procedures. In some situations, she may choose to refer patients to an appropriate specialist. Please feel free to click on the following procedures to learn more about them.

All content was written by Dr. Katie-Rose Wagner and she welcomes the public to use and share any of the information without her permission. She respectfully asks to be listed as the author for direct quotations.


A restoration, commonly called a filling, is placed in one visit. A handpiece, or dental drill, is used both to remove any decay and shape the tooth to receive the filling. Decay is softening of a tooth due to bacteria and acids, and can continue to spread if not stopped with a filling. There may be other reasons to place a filling in a tooth, such as erosion, fracture, or cold sensitivity. Certain modifications are made to the tooth to best work with the physical properties of the filling material.

The following description of filling materials comes from the American Dental Association: